Woodlawn is a kingdom minded community that invests in God’s work beyond our own borders; both in North America and across the globe.
Globally, Woodlawn has invested time and resources in the construction of Bible schools and Worship facilities in Togo, West Africa & San Salvador, El Salvador, while supporting financially & prayerfully over 85 missionary families.
Locally, Woodlawn has been a significant promoter of church plants and supporting the calling of North American Missionaries. Woodlawn has a burden to reach and build community with other cultures. This is accomplished through the Spanish daughter work in Hattiesburg, Iglesia Vida, and the monthly support of 6 other churches.

Through its work with the Impact Community, Woodlawn Church has assisted in the launch of eight churches around the United States. It also hosts the annual Conversation Event designed to support and strengthen church planters.
Learn more about the Impact Community by visiting the link below: