We exist to restore community by building Christ-centered families.

Next Steps
At weekend services, we worship, connect with the body of Christ, hear the preached Word of God, and pray together.
There are two things we need as believers:
First, we need to sense that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves.
Second, we need to sense that we are impacting others in close relationships.
Two great needs in every person’s life are to be needed and known. For these reasons, we want you to participate in community groups.
Our Community Groups meet all around our city and region. They provide a place for you to connect, grow, and discuss the issues and challenges of life. Regardless of your age, interest, or location, we are sure there is a group out there for you. Community Groups are also where we pray, care for one another, and are missed if we don’t show up! Presently, we do two semesters a year, one in the Spring, and one in the Fall. Our goal is that as we grow larger as a church, we will continue to grow smaller and stay connected through our Community Groups.
“One another” is found 59 times in the 27 books of the New Testament.
Jesus wants us to know the responsibility we have one to another. That we should care for one another— serve one another.
But how? How do I do this?
“You Belong Here” answers these questions.
The You Belong Here journey is where you can discover the unique gifts God has given you – and how you can fulfill your God-given purpose.
The Woodlawn Serve Team is the core of our church!
Every person who serves in any of the Woodlawn ministry teams is part of ONE team: The Serve Team
“If you lean your ladder up against the wrong building, you can climb all you want but never arrive at the place you wish to be.”
You have to lean the ladder in the right place. And what’s the right place? Making a difference in the life of others.
And we do that at Woodlawn through the Serve Team.

Join a Group
Community Groups are your place to build supportive friendships. Think of it like an inner circle where you can laugh, pray, grow, and serve together. We traditionally meet twice monthly. If you can't find an open group, please let us know!

We have a podcast!
A weekly podcast where we give a behind-the-scenes look at who we are and the strategies we implement for weekly services, big events, and leadership development.

Contact us
1452 Hwy. 98 E
Columbia, MS 39429
Main Phone: 601.736.5128